My dear friends, contemplating the uniqueness and universal nature of scriptures had challenged me to seek insights on the meaning of Faith and why people believe. The truth is, as Humans, we all share similar beliefs despite our differences in " religion ". There is a need to highlight these similarities and show that "the Good" and "Moral Codes" are quintessential to the glorification of the human race. The deeper you get into your spirit, the more you understand that the Word of God (as understood by most in this generation to particularly mean the texts of any of the Holy Scriptures) are inexhaustible. Concerning the texts of the Christian Faith, I used to be of the school of thought that one interpretation must be superior above all others and it must be universal ( Gk. Catholicam ). I used to judge people who consider it more personal than universal because, in most cases, they consider their understanding to be above those of many others. T...