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My dear friends, contemplating the uniqueness and universal nature of scriptures had challenged me to seek insights on the meaning of Faith and why people believe. The truth is, as Humans, we all share similar beliefs despite our differences in " religion ". There is a need to highlight these similarities and show that "the Good" and "Moral Codes" are quintessential to the glorification of the human race. The deeper you get into your spirit, the more you understand that the Word of God (as understood by most in this generation to particularly mean the texts of any of the Holy Scriptures) are inexhaustible. Concerning the texts of the Christian Faith, I used to be of the school of thought that one interpretation must be superior above all others and it must be universal ( Gk. Catholicam ). I used to judge people who consider it more personal than universal because, in most cases, they consider their understanding to be above those of many others. T...
Recent posts

The Beatitudes- Those who are persecuted for righteousness sake

My dear friends, it is becoming extinct for Christians to suffer physical assault or martyrdom for the sake of the gospel, but we live in a time of psychological and emotional assault for our great cause. How often do we hear people, even our closest friends and family tag us mockingly with snotty names like Borney [Born-again] , spirikoko, Holy Holy, Virgin Mary e.t.c? In most cases, our loved ones mean these things on a lighter note, but then some others out rightly jeer at us to make a laugh of it because we do those things that are right by allowing your soul to be filled by His righteousness. This can make us feel bad or lose focus, but I want you to know these things are inevitable in the kingdom of God. Find comfort in hearing what our Lord has eternally said concerning this: “ You are blessed when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way the...

The Easter Family - a meditation on the Family Bond

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The Beatitude - The Peacemakers

Dear Friends, if you would lend me your ears let me tell you a not so spoken tale of so great a man called Socrates. Have you heard of how he had a wife that was the most difficult of women to live with? Of how well he managed to cope with her excesses? Of how where most men would have lost it in many occasions he was able to endure? I have never heard such a humiliating story about one of the wisest men to have ever walked the earth. Xanthippe was described as “ the hardest of women to get along with of all the women ”. Socrates adds that he chose her because of her argumentative Spirit:  “It is an example of the rider who wishes to be an expert horseman…the horse for me to own must show some spirit… if he can manage such an animal, it will be easy to deal with every other horse besides. And that is just my case. I wish to deal with human beings, to associate with man in general; hence my choice of wife. I know full well, if I can tolerate her spirit, I can with ease attach...

The Beatitudes- The Pure in Heart

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The Beatitudes- The Merciful

I have chosen this image because of the uniqueness of the guy showing mercy in that portrait. In my understanding, that fellow looks as deserving of the very goodness he gives to the other yet he gives out when he doesn't have enough. How foolish right? But isn’t it basic " Humane Intelligence " to share goodness with others rather than keeping it all to ourselves? In the corporate world today, the use of Humane Intelligence (HI) is fast developing and it ensures that proper moral conscience demands that humans do what is right and just for the collective benefit of everyone in the work place rather than impartial forms of sharing benefits. If people of the world in their working environments can develop such a concept, how much more should we who are children of God be challenged to do beyond the attitude of this concept of equity and justice by being heralds of Love and Mercy. I mean if our human nature would aspire to this, then our divine nature must be provoked ...

The Beatitudes- Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

My dear friends, I write to you once more concerning these proclamations of blessedness that we have received, which I have meditated on day and night and put daily into effect in my life because they concern the existing realities of our spiritual essence to which my soul is awakened to the conformity of the Light of Christ, in whom was life and that life was the light of all men [Jn I:4]. Of these beatitudes, the attitude of those who hunger and thirst for righteousness has taken me on a spiritual odyssey which I have no doubt has changed my life for good because in developing the desire to do the Will of my Father Who sent me, I have discovered the manifold wisdom and richness of the fulfillment of every saint in life or in eternity to which I have been called to proclaim of its goodness with every breath of life in me. Before I go on with my analogy of the great King David on this beatitude, permit me to share a little testimony with you of the living power of this heroic...