Dear Friends, if you would lend me your ears let me tell you a not so spoken tale of so great a man called Socrates.
Have you heard of how he had a wife that was the most difficult of women to live with? Of how
well he managed to cope with her excesses? Of how where most men would have lost it in
many occasions he was able to endure? I have never heard such a humiliating
story about one of the wisest men to have ever walked the earth. Xanthippe was
described as “the hardest of women to get along with of all the women”.
Socrates adds that he chose her because of her argumentative Spirit: “It is an example of the rider who wishes to be an
expert horseman…the horse for me to own must show some spirit… if he can manage
such an animal, it will be easy to deal with every other horse besides. And
that is just my case. I wish to deal with human beings, to associate with man
in general; hence my choice of wife. I know full well, if I can tolerate her
spirit, I can with ease attach myself to every human being else”. There
was an episode where Xanthippe was so enraged with her husband, that she took a
chamber pot and poured it over Socrates' head, which -as the tale said- the man
accepted with the famous parable: “After thunder comes the rain.” Only a saint could have lived with a woman like that. Lol!
I believe we all have a Xanthippe in our lives. It might be a
spouse, a parent, a sibling or even a friend whose actions teach us
self-control. There are times we hate these people but then we bring ourselves
back to loving them because every time we do we grow in a particular virtue. The
fact we can love them beyond their flaws makes us feel superhuman. They give us
a different perspective of people around us because we know we’ve tolerated
worse at home and still love so we can do our best to sow those seeds of love when we we are away from home. I have loved a wild woman once and yes it makes
my heart skip a beat just smiling at the fact I still do. That spirit is so engaging. Lol!
I did an awesome piece on the Peacemakers earlier. There's so much good stuff in that post that awes me every time I open it. Do look it up in this link The Coming of the Sons of God. The peacemakers are not people who are
incapable of feeling emotions. They are people who have risen above the powers of demons on their emotions. Just like Angelic sons of God, these ones continuously wage the war
against the plots of the devil. They frustrate his efforts to increase anger and chaos in their lives
and the lives of all who they come across. All of creation awaits the coming of
these ones and come we must. In this spiritual warfare, let us join with the host of
angels in heaven who battle the princes and powers of this life, by fight
against the host of hell on earth, standing firm in our different walks of life for the common good of all
humanity. Let us not forget that we cannot "make the peace" of others if we have
not defeated our own inner demons and won the peace of mind in our souls.
Together let us bring the blessedness that guarantees people will call us “Sons”
for indeed we are sons of Light... sons of the Spirit... sons of peace…o yes! We are Sons
of God.
“O the blessedness of the peacemakers, for they shall
be called the Sons of God”
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