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The Seven Deadly Sins (The Grizzly's Sin of Sloth)

The character of the Fairy King Harlequin is the epitome of Sloth. I mean, King literally NEVER walked on his feet and 99% of the time he was half asleep on this really large pillow, floating about like his legs were made for fancy. Lol! This guy is so lazy he wouldn’t even wield his battle spear in his hands. Take away King's flying spear and his giant pillow, what you get is a really weak character in physical strength. Isn’t it ironic that in the very event of reflecting on this sin; as a matter of fact as soon as I wrote the very first sentence of this post, I found myself as slothful as King in Nanatsu no taizai and now I have spent months away from this series. It's unfortunate I embraced my moments of weakness guys but continue we must...To the finish! Ai! Ai!! Captain!!!

The sin of sloth, unlike the other deadly sins which involve committing immorality, is a sin of omitting responsibilities. The word "sloth" is a translation of the Latin term "acedia" which means "without care". The indifference of a slothful soul is such that it has lost all of its zeal to do that which is good. In our bodies it takes the popular form of laziness. In our hearts, it keeps away all willingness to communicate with our Lord, in whose light and purity we would be found wanting. Though we know our contrition would be demanded of us, the Grizzly’s sin leaves us very comfy in our lukewarmness: it makes us truly without care. The neutrality of the Grizzly's sin and it's indifference is not to be taken lightly. This is what our Lord has to say about such lukewarmness: "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot, I wish you were cold or hot" [Rev. III:15].

Wow! Do you ACTUALLY wish we were either Lord?!!! Do you really desire a firm standing in our decisions to live for You, dear Lord? Now I understand why this sin disgusts You so much that You have said "...because you are neither cold nor hot, I will spew [vomit] u out of My mouth" [cf. Rev III:15-16]. How lazy have I been with my time to do the right things and glorify you on your Holy Day? How unwilling have I been to engage you dearly while defining and redefining my purpose in life? How unwilling have I been to rid myself of all vices that keep me from embracing you who is True, and Good and Beautiful? How uncaring have I been in realising that the love I have, for the love you shared with me in her, ought to be kept alive and burning hot rather than taken for granted?

If only I had been adept enough with your words to know that “he who is slothful in his work is a brother to him who is a great destroyer” [Prov. XVIII:9], I would have known why I fall every time I have shown defiance to be your friend, O King of kings! I would have known the source of my rage every time the very thought of praying, talking to you and living the virtues as you have called me to was neglected. For in embracing sloth, my soul, spewed from it's divine source of peace, was emptied and in my ignorance it was being refilled with rage, embracing the Dragon's Sin and falling still deeper than pride had initiated; falling to the very depths of hades to which the devil himself had fallen.

"Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation.
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"
[Matt. XXVI:41]


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