As I paced through
Goodluck Jonathan boulevard, the morning dew mixing with droplets of sweat
falling down my chin, the voice of my favourite motivational speaker Brian
Tracy brainwashing me with a dose of personal development to get my day fired
up, he made a statement about excellence in character that simply exploded in my mind. Before I share this statement with you, I want you to know that what got
me really thrilled was that, apart from the fact it was one of those “major
keys” of success, my frequently contemplating mind immediately
remembered something glorious I had read in a course outline I had studied on the
history of salvation. I scribbled what I heard on my Galaxy Note 5 but for some
reason I’ve deleted the freaking note by mistake before I even got to use it.
Anyways, here’s what I think I remember Brian said:
“Live as if
your every act would be made into a universal law”
My dear, believe it or
not this statement is more than just a motivational quote. It should
uncompromisingly be established as a statute for kings. As I pondered this way
of a king, I also realised that in ages past, God Himself has declared similar measures
of this statement into the life of the most famous king in the history of
salvation, none other than King David who was dear to his heart.
Before we delve into
the spirituality of this statement let me explain a bit about Brian’s quote. You
see, attitude is everything; having the right attitude helps you build a great
character. There are times we get really excited about discovering a new idea
or a new goal or a new attitude or habit you want to practice. An extended
practice of that very habit becomes a function of one’s character. According to
Cavett Robert, “Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the
excitement of the moment has passed”. Character is generally always a
good thing. This is why people with bad attitudes or habits are considered to
have a “lack of character”. Your character is expressed in every
action you take in life. This draws us to the question; how do you see your
every act in life?
To become a superior
person, you must study the ways of the superior man. I have this personal
affirmation I like to give myself when I say “I AM…KING”. It means King
is my name and I was created to rule high in the sky like God’s eagle (Ugochukwu). It’s a good thing to have positive
affirmations as this is an efficient self-motivation tool for goal driven
people who want to live a life of positive attitudes all day, every day. I must
say that there are times this belief and statement has helped bolster my ego
and pride rather than just promote self-confidence, but then with clarity of
purpose and a glimmer of divine wisdom, I have come to an understanding of the
necessity to follow after kings who do not consider their crowns a privilege to
lord it over others. As a king, that I am and that we can all aspire to be too,
I want to share the way of a superior king with you whose very life resonated
with the words of Brian Tracy on that interesting morning.
Now David was a man who was dear to God’s heart. After he had secured the Ark of the Covenant in
a tent in Jerusalem he made an offer that, according to scriptures,
overwhelmed God’s heart. He offered to build His God a house. I know it looks
like a common thing today since people build houses and even cities for God but
David’s intent for building the house was the first of its kind. His motive was
out of a desire to give God a place to dwell in; a place that feels right in
his very heart. See how David puts his request: “See now I dwell in a house of
cedar but the Ark of the LORD dwells in tent curtains” [2 Samuel
VII:2]. To make is make more sense, David's saying: "How can I be balling in a house made of the most exquisite cedar wood and my Soverign Lord who has made this possible for me is chilling in an ordinary tent made of curtains? Please can I upgrade this house to something greater than even mine?". This offer from David provoked the blessings of the Almighty and God
blessed him with a very long decree [2 Samuel VII: 4-17]. This decree was so powerful David’s response would emphasise the
weight of this blessing: Who am I Sovereign LORD? And what is my
house, that You have brought me this far? And yet this was a small thing in
your sight, O Sovereign LORD; you have spoken of your servant’s house for a
great while to come. [Now many English versions loosely translates this
part]. Isn’t this the
Law of Humanity, O Sovereign Lord?” [2 Samuel VII:18,19].
The decree that God declared to his servant King David contains elements that make up the Character of Kings. David’s acts had been
blessed with a name that would last forever, a dynasty that would last forever
and more importantly, a son who would reign forever. David’s very act provoked
God to give him a decree that overwhelmed him because this decree was a divine
law which was a Law of Humanity. This decree filled this man with great joy
because God had spoken about his “servant’s house for a great while to come”. David had lived his life as if every act would become a divine law. This Kingly Character had merited his acts to become that which is divine. What did David do to deserve such a fulfilling decree? Why was the Law of
Humanity (a universal law) offered to him and his Descendant? What did David do for God, that His descendant would perfect, and indeed perfected. Those very acts, his descendant perfected into a
Character which has been shared to us all and I’ll tell you all that David did
in the next episode of the beatitude... Shalom!
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