It is easy to mistake
a snake for a serpent but in their essence they are not the same. The snake is
one of the very animals God created, placed in the garden of Eden and
pronounced “…good” (Genesis I).
But the serpent is a mythical vile creature popularly depicted as a snake. In
scriptures envy made the serpent trick man into losing his everlasting place in
the family of God. It’s easy to understand why it’s called the Serpent’s sin of
Envy. In other news, Diane the Giant was envious of anyone who stole the heart
of the man of her dreams who she could never have. Throughout the entire series
that’s the only thing she was envious about so there’s not much to draw from Nanatsu no
Taizai here.
Going forward, was I
the envious type? Yes, I was. Did I know this? No, I never did until I started
to feel like my place in paradise was being threatened. I started to spit
curses like a Serpent and lose my peace to the bitterness and foul aura that
this sin can cause. It’s a foul place to be in. I don’t know if it was wholly my
fault but if I could turn back the hands of time, it would have been much
better to be indifferent about those things than to get sucked up into such an abyss of self-inflicted pain and torture.
A lighter form of envy
is jealousy. On an advanced level envy brings forth destructive desires but
jealousy isn’t destructive to another. Although it is a selfish desire for the good of another person, it creates a bitterness that clings to the unavailability of that good. Imagine how jealous I was when I was looking for the
grace to love God more than that one person, and she was still taking the love
I coveted so badly and giving it to God. I was jealous I didn’t love God like
she did and I was jealous she was loving God more than me. Wait! Hollup n***a!! My God here is a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Him (Deut. V:9). Can someone please tell me why the hell I was busy trying to mess with His
position in her life? How foolish can a brother be, really?!!!
Today I know better. I
know that it was never my position to seat on the throne of the King of kings.
The very love that swelled my pride and made me lust for that position was not
of my own doing but it was God who was merciful enough to me who is most
undeserving of his mercies.
Who is like
unto you, O LORD?
Among the
gods, who is like you?
glorious in
holiness, fearful in praises,
wonders? Hallelujah!
(cf. Exodus
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