The sheer power of wrath
and its absolute ability to desolate and destroy everything that could have been created. Meliodas was the captain of the Sins and he was from the
demon clan. He had this care free, yet, very empathetic behavior that showed just
how much he cared about people. Yet in his darkest and most furious form his
abilities could level a whole city and cause immeasurable destruction when his
alter ego of wrath is triggered.
There is no better time than this point in my life to write about this. There is a kind of
anger that seems beautiful. The kind that is like a fairy tale. One that
compels the one who wields this power to kill for love. And then
with wrath one destroys all in his path to save the happiness of the other. I find
it really troubling when things get destroyed, especially when the destruction
is without discrimination. In the wake of the destruction the very people we
seek to fight for are full of fear and there is nothing you can do to get
things right. “Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one
who takes a city” [Proverbs XVI:32].
The Dragon’s Sin is an
accumulation of all the deadly sins. It is a wide spread toxin in the soul initiated
from the very first sin of pride. In our anger, our ego takes control of our actions, because we are slothful we have failed to discipline our conscience, and we have
robbed our minds and bodies of the virtues of peace and humility. The darkness
that awaits once wrath has taken its toll is long and dark and painful because
nothing can be done to fix the desolation this ancient fiery serpent, this dragon, leaves in it's wake. No form of anger is good, not even a Meliodas-love-triggered-wrath to defend the love of his life Elizabeth.
“Whoever is patient has great
understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly” [Proverbs XIV:29]. Dear Lord, help us all that we may learn to take control of our anger for we must depend on you always to guard our souls from wrath when we are about to fall for this sin even when it disguises itself as holy or patriotic. May patience and self-control be our mantle because we know the best battle we can
possibly win in life are those in which we conquer our inner demons. We may fall a lot of times. We will not despair. Let us forgive ourselves and never stop fighting against this vice and above all may we not lose our peace of mind in Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen.
“In your anger, do not sin: do not let the sun go
down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold… Do not
let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths… Get rid of all bitterness,
rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice”
[cf. Ephesians IV:26-31].
Amen... may He help us all.